

Commission info and prices!


Commissions are ONLY available through Patreon. Join now to be notified of commission openings and get access to discounts up to 75%!Commission types change every batch, so make sure to contact me if you're unsure whether I'll be able to draw your idea!

How commissioning me works

Before we start:
Please be aware that the waiting times between commission openings can be very long, sometimes several months long!
I know that waiting for a commission opening can be frustrating, and I apologise for that!
1. Requesting a commissionWhenever I open commissions I post my price sheet on Patreon. In the post description, you’ll find a link to a form to fill out to request a commission slot.
While filling the form, please make sure to mention:
- Your email address or social media address for further communication
- A description of the type of scene you’d like for your illustration.
- A link to the reference(s) of your character (there’s also an option to upload it directly!). If you don’t have visual reference, I can still work on your commission! However, I will charge a 25% surplus for the design fee.
IF YOU DON'T OWN THE CHARACTER, and you're requesting a NSFW scenario with them, I will need a permission from the owner of the character. I know this might spoil a surprise if you’re commissioning me for a gift, but it’s very important to me that all the people involved are consenting and enthusiastic about the idea!2. Confirmation and commission process:After you submitted the form, you’ll receive a message from me with a price quote and any additional question I might have for you. If you agree with the price, I’ll insert you in the queue for the current commission batch and get back to you when I’m ready to start on your project. This might take up to a couple months, depending on your place on the queue. You wont’t have to pay until I’m ready to work on your project, and you’re free to cancel your request any time before I contact you again!Unfortunately, sometimes I have to select from all the submissions I receive and I might have to turn you down your request for the time being. That being said, please feel free to send it again the next time I open commissions!After I reach your place in the queue, the commissioning process works as follows:1. Payment will be handled on one of the most popular money transfer websites, and is upfront!
2. After the payment, I will start to work on your commission right away. You will receive a rough sketch so you can decide if I should proceed, or change anything. I'm usually open to major changes at this phase (ex. a pose, clothing, or scenery change)
3. After that, I'll send you an additional update with the inked lines. At this point I'm still open to minor changes, like an expression change or moving limbs around.
4. Finally, I will color and shade the illustration and send you the hi-res picture!

Terms of service

  • You must be over the age of 18 to commission me.

  • You’re allowed to post the finished picture on your personal gallery (with due credit), use it as an icon, header or similar and print it for your personal use. You may not sell it, or reproduce it in any other way. I may post it on my websites online, use it for personal promotion or or not post it online at all!

  • If you need to use the picture for commercial purposes, please mention it. I will charge a fee for it.

  • Usage of my artwork (at any stage of completion) for minting as an NFT is strictly prohibited.

  • Usage of my artwork as a base for AI generated images or to train an AI is strictly prohibited.

  • I don't do private commissions, but I'm more than okay with posting a picture after a certain date if it's for something like a special occasion or a birthday surprise!

  • You may request a refund as long as I’ve not started to work on your project project. You also may request a partial refund after work has started as long as the picture isn’t completely finished.

  • I may do some style experimenting on your piece, but I’ll make sure to keep the quality standards in line with similar commissions I’ve done in the past.

  • There will be a small signature on the final illustration.

  • I may adjust my prices in the future.

Content guidelines

I LOVE TO DRAW:+ Curves, plumpness, softness
+ Comfy, cozy, romantic scenes
+ Dynamic pieces with tons of energy
+ Characters with an attitude, dorky OCs
+ All species
+ All genders/body types!
+ Straight/LGBTQ+
+ Soft vore
+ Hyper proportions
+ Watersports/scat
+ Other kinks (please check below)
COMPLEXITY FEE (25% more)+ Alternate versions (clothes/naked)
+ No visual reference / written description of the character
+ Complex props, patterns, or landscapes
I WON’T DRAW- Fanart
- Cub/underage characters
- Diaper/ABDL
- Forced sex/rape (even in role play situations)
- Feral
- Incest
- Violence, macabre or gore (lighthearted fight scenes and some blood are okay)
- Anything mimicking someone else’s style
- Real people
If you’re uncertain on a kink you wish to include in your commission, feel free too ask me in a DM or check my F-list where I put down a rough outline of the "weirder" fetishes I’m okay with drawing!
I also might refuse to draw something if I don’t feel comfortable with it or simply if I feel like I wouldn’t be able to portray it at the best of my ability.

Frequently asked questions

Q: Are you open for commissions?A: I open for commission requests a bit rarely! Check my social media for opening announcements, I usually post a heads up and multiple reminders with plenty of advance!

Q: Can I reserve a spot for the next commission batch?A: Due to the huge amount of requests of this type, I cannot reserve a spot for you, unfortunately.

Q: Do you want to collaborate/do an art trade?A: I do!! However, at this moment my schedule is pretty full, so I’m not usually able to take new projects immediately. However, if you’re interested in doing something together, send me a DM on social media or an email and we can possibly schedule something for the future! :)

Q: Do you take requests?A: At the moment, I don’t. However, I often do raffles during my streams, and every month I pick three of my patreon supporters for an art reward!

Q: How do I learn to draw? / Can you teach me?A: I feel like I’m still figuring that out myself! I think it’s a good idea to mix a drawing course and self-experimentation in equal parts. For every “serious” anatomy study or perspective exercise make sure to indulge yourself with some fun, simple, and satisfying drawing of a character you like!
I also really believe that studying artists you admire can really give your learning process a boost. Look at their illustrations and learn what makes them so appealing, and try to replicate them!
As for teaching, I’m nearly not qualified or competent enough to give good art advice. Maybe someday in the future!

Q: Can I draw your characters / Can I commission an artist to draw your characters?A: You can, and if you do, please show me!! I’m very open when it comes to pairing my characters with others, and with the kinks they might be involved with.
Just know that unless specified, the “canon” stories of my characters are only represented within my own art.
The only exception to this is with my own sona, Lyn. If you’d like to draw them in a NSFW scene, please consult with me beforehand to make sure we’re on the same page :)

Q: I’ve seen this person roleplay with your character. What should I do?A: I personally don’t really care what folks do with my art once it’s been posted, so I’m generally okay with RP accounts using my own OCs.However, there’s two big exceptions to this rule:
- My art is being used for malicious or hateful means (such as being featured on a phishing website or to promote homophobic/transphobic content)
- Art featuring characters I don’t own (my commissions) is being used for RP.
In this case, please contact me or the owner of the character featured so I can move forward with a takedown procedure. Thank you!

Q: What is the secret to a great curry?
A: You have to cook the ingredients together for longer than you’d think. It’s really incredible how much the flavours blend and mix with each other if you let them hang out for a while! So, even though a good curry can come together within 10 minutes, if you really give time to cook it will blow your mind!!

Merch store coming in July!!
Stay tuned!